Thursday, July 31, 2003

Well, it's final. I'm going to Ohio for Cedar Point and Six Flags Ohio (too lazy to actually say "Worlds of Adventure" out loud, lol) starting saturday the 16th and leaving the 19th. Saturday travel, Sunday, SFWoA (I don't want to say an acronym out loud :-P), Monday and half of Tuesday Cedar Point (gotta account for TTD and maximum coaster credits :-). I'm probably gonna put a counter on the site or something just because I'm so excited about the trip. Thank God for cheap Southwest fares, otherwise I wouldn't be able to have this much freedom in going places.

I'm also working on documenting my solution for the Rubik's Cube, so step 1 and explination of notation is already up. Check it out under random. Oh, and I reconfigured parks and random to have a tree structure so it's easier to get to what you want quicker.

Tuesday, July 29, 2003

Well, the site's been moved to another server now. has generously offered to host the site ad-free, and I couldn't resist. They're a great community and it looks like it'll be fun to have the site here for quite some time now (hopefully till I get bored with it, lol).
Anyway, the last couple of days haven't been anything remarkable. Eagle Court of Honor (not mine)....and a haircut.
Speaking of the Eagle Court, though, I finally have a new project that I can work on now. It's a construction project. There's a room at the church we meet at that needs a wall tearing down and a total redecoration. It seems like quite a suitable project. So I'm going to get the work in line for that.
Oh and I have driving lessons tomorrow. Finally my parents will allow me out in traffic, lol.

Friday, July 25, 2003

Good news! I found a free server that would accept a lot of bandwith (250 megs) and a decent-sized upload. So now I've put up Everything You Know Is Wrong. Go check it out in the "random" section.

Thursday, July 24, 2003

DLR shots are up. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

DO NOT use your annual passport to reveal your prize on an X-Games ticket. I repeat, DO NOT use your annual passport to reveal your prize on an X-Games ticket.

Monday, July 21, 2003

"S.B.D. It's just like the phone company, only one different."

Well, today's nothingness day. Check out the new Strong Bad Email today. Pretty funny. I'm just entering a post because I'm trying to get this thing updated on a daily basis. It's not going so well. I guess I worked on the site more. I added "Everything You Know Is Wrong" to the stuff section. That's cool.

Damnit, Freeservers won't let me upload the flash. It's too freaking big. And the other options (Yahoo and Tripod) won't let me direct link it. This sucks ass.

Sunday, July 20, 2003

Well, I saw Johnny English today. It was pretty darn funny for what it was: some English guy galavanting around doing nonsensical pseudo-agent stuff. Walking into the wrong funeral, landing on the wrong building, that sort of thing. Oh. I probably should have put WARNING: SPOILERS. Hmm...well, too late for that now! :-). Anyway, I'm totally obsessing over my site layout and it's driving me nuts. I've finally got a setup that I sort of like, but it still sucks quite a bit. Oh well. The nav bar is probably the first thing that'll change. Currently my brother is bored as hell so I'm going to try to find something to do with him.

Saturday, July 19, 2003

Yay! I'm going to the DLR again next Wednesday (so I guess Wednesday What-Ifs are gonna be off-schedule again :-P). It's gonna be hell to get it together, but at least it's a day out at the resort. Anyway, this weekend I'm gonna see Johnny English and probably do some more driving practice (can't do the drive test until October). Alright. That's probably it. I might have like, a photo update or something with DLR pics, but that depends whether or not I feel like taking time out to take pics. Eh.

Thursday, July 17, 2003

Okay, time for Wednesday What-If's. Yeah, I know it's not Wednesday. BFD. I was trying to pull together an independent film production yesterday.

1. What if you had to write a magazine column on How To Lose A Guy/Girl In 10 Days -- what would you write?
Stick a M-80 up their car's tailpipe. If you're worried about legal troubles, just pie 'em in the face. Do something totally stupid that tells them that you're not the person for them.

2. What if you were offered the choice to risk your life by boarding a pirate ship in hopes of finding and obtaining part of the treasure?
I'd decline it. Me no likey riches. Me likey steady income and guarantee of food, shelter, & clothing.

3. What if you could pass a congressional bill of your choice?
I'd pass an act that once and for all settled copyright and song-trading on the net. I mean, seriously, people really need to have a guideline. But that guideline also should respect people's privacy and daily doings. Just because their info is being spread on the web doesn't mean it's any different than over the phone or through the mail. We need jurisdiction, darnit.

4. What if you discovered you were really a machine?
I'd freak people out by opening up my stomach and showing them stuff. Then I'd like do everything that a machine could do that a human couldn't. Like walking into a nuclear facility without a film badge! Hahahahahaha!

5. What if you were bequeathed with all of God's powers?
I'd either hand them back over or just try to set the large things straight. Free will takes over a heck of a lot of the rest.

Tuesday, July 15, 2003

When in the hell did anti virus programs get the right of way on your system? I was working on a Sim City 3000 city (my new addiction) with all sorts of goodies researched and roads laid out, and all of a sudden, PC-Cillin comes in and just out and out terminates the program! What the hell is that? I was working on the file for an hour or so. It takes forever to save the city. So I didn't save. But still, I should have had a transition. It shouldn't have resulted in a crash. Maybe a stall or a slight delay, but not a total termination. This blows. Antivirus programs should not take all your CPU power away from you and kill any program that gets in the way. That's bull, real bull.

Sunday, July 06, 2003

Well, I'm kind of in "stream of conciousness" mode, so I'm gonna try just writing incessantly:

The way to find out whether or not something is reachable is to keep going. Nothing will keep you from that goal. The only hinderance is the rose feeling of darkness. That is what will keep the pointy jabs from happening. That is what things seem to go like. Your head hurts, yoru nostrils are filled with chlorine. Simply nothing will make you feel good about yourself. Nothing. Not even friends and family. Not even love. The humerus tingles as the brain swells. It doesn't matter how it works or how things affect you. Simply put, there is nothing but cold dry blue.

Saturday, July 05, 2003

I haven't blogged in a while. Mainly because I'm trying to get away from this damned computer. I worked on the K'nex thing more, made a short DV film about the jack in the box bobblehead doll, and picked up fireworks for a public service work. Frankly, I'm bored as hell. Anyway, fireworks were cool last night. Too many aerials, though. It's too dense of a brush area where I live, so it's probably the stupidest damn thing you could do to use a "willow" shell with stars that burn for a freakin' eternity. You thought a cigarrete was dangerous, let's try putting a bunch of those, five times their size in dry brush. It's a miracle none of them set anything on fire. Still, cool to watch them go. Heh.

Wednesday, July 02, 2003

Well, Wedensday What-Ifs updated again. Let's start, shall we?

1. What if you had to choose a single color to remain on Earth?

BLUE. Easy on the eyes, and you'd be able to see things that were further away (go longest wavelengh!)

2. What if you had to choose one song to remain on Earth?

"The Incredible Hulk End Theme" from the TV show. Cause life on earth without any decent amount of music would be dead anyways. Why not then give Earth a good mood-fitting soundtrack that shows just how depressed we are?

3. What if you had to choose a single book to remain on Earth?

It would be ANYTHING not written by EMILY DICKONSON!

4. What if you had to choose one electronic device to remain on Earth (cars & planes included)?

Well....considering that cars and planes aren't ELECTRONIC...they're powered by combustion and ignited by spark plugs. So we're going for spark plugs there really. But me, I'd go for an electric peoplemover system. More efficient, less polluting. Everything else would be gas-powered anyway. We need to go places, and nothing will stop us in that quest to commute! Or something!

5. What if you had to choose a single season to remain on Earth?

Spring. Not too hot, not to cold and damp. It's just the most all-around season that everyone would enjoy. Except those with hayfever. They'd probably die eventually.

Wow, this week's question set sucked. Sorry. Maybe I'll post something else later.

Tuesday, July 01, 2003

What the heck is the deal with the media these days?

First, music. I mean, current music sucks pretty badly right about now (then again, it depends on who you ask, I guess). It's just all the same crap. Everything's about "image." Hello! Can't anyone see that America isn't concerned with an artist's image? Even back in the early 80's no one really cared what the singer looked like. They just cared if they were a decent person who made songs that everyone would appreciate listening to. Today, that doesn't fly with the labels. They think they have to make a crapload of cash just because they can, and image does that -- endorsements, ads, and worldwide recognition. But it's so incredibly heartless that no one wants any of that crap anymore. I'm surprised we haven't seen an uprising of independent labels and distributors due to the internet. With such worldwide access, a single group could publish their own album, and people would buy it!

Scratch that. Not with P2P filesharing now. See, since major conglomerates have made these albums so horribly dull (mainly due to "image" artists, not "music" artists), no one wants a whole album anymore. They just want the good songs (which are few and far between). So, they go to the net. Dowload a relatively decent-sized file and bam, free song. "Hey, this is cool! I should get all my music this way!" This creates a sense of "forget the album, just use petty theft outside the store!" Don't get me wrong. I have nothing against downloading single songs for free. I frankly only feel slightly for the artists who put a lot of work into the song and don't get much of the profits. But other than that, ehh, it is illegal. But it probably shouldn't be.

"Watch out! It's the RIAA!" Yes, they're mad because people are taking away their profits. And so are the musicians, because they're slowly being withered away by the lack of incoming funds. So what do they decide to do? How about hacking into your computer with no real restraints! Yayy! WRONG. These people are trying to sue individuals who allow others to simply share songs that they like, something that could have been done anyway if the CD was just burned at a friend's house. I mean, we really need to get a service up and running FOR PCs!!! (sorry, VERY few people use macs, so iTunes is way out of the mass appeal area) that charges per song. A buck really isn't all that bad. I mean, most people just want to combine multiple songs onto a mix CD in the end anyway. This would solve the whole problem. Artists and labels would get profits back again (which they need to an EXTENT), consumers would have their favorite songs and nothing more, and the quality of the music would probably improve since an artist wouldn't be forced to do their songs in twelve three-minute blocks.

Second, radio. ClearChannel is the most evil thing of all. It takes your local radio station, bombards it with ads, and makes the entire nation exactly the same. Breaking news? Forget it. It's just the same old playlist when something really big happens locally or abroad. Ugh. I hate the radio. I hate current music. How the hell am I supposed to have something to hang onto from my own generation? The internet's constantly changing and so is TV. Music is the only thing I can associate with my decade, and it's dead. Damnit.