Saturday, July 05, 2003

I haven't blogged in a while. Mainly because I'm trying to get away from this damned computer. I worked on the K'nex thing more, made a short DV film about the jack in the box bobblehead doll, and picked up fireworks for a public service work. Frankly, I'm bored as hell. Anyway, fireworks were cool last night. Too many aerials, though. It's too dense of a brush area where I live, so it's probably the stupidest damn thing you could do to use a "willow" shell with stars that burn for a freakin' eternity. You thought a cigarrete was dangerous, let's try putting a bunch of those, five times their size in dry brush. It's a miracle none of them set anything on fire. Still, cool to watch them go. Heh.


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