Darwinian Evoloution... Intelligent Design...
Darwinian Evoloution...Intelligent Design...
...you're both fucking crazy.
You know what? When I first learned of it, I never understood Intelligent Design to be what it truly was. As I was championing the phrase and all I thought it stood for in my last at Don Bosco Tech, I had no clue that the term was synonymous Creationist bullshit.
You know what I believe? Factual evidence. And the class I was in did make some good points. But they weren't the points of the Intelligent Designers. Creationists have leeched onto that term already--any separation it may have had from either side is now tainted. The man-in-the-middle ideology, the one I believe in, has to move soemwhere else.
Anyway, the class did make a damn good case against Darwinian Evolutionists. These materialist fucks have ballooned their Darwinian ideologies into something that does not agree with the fossil record. They don't get that there's no proof of the creation of vastly different species--only slight variations within relatively similar ones. That's all we have at this point aside from further thought experiments. The only guy that seems to have his head halfway straight was the late Jay Gould, who believed in punctuated evolution. There's a theory I can accept. It highlighted slow, sexual selection punctuated with quick species transitions inbetween. The great thing about it is that it doesn't disprove God. In fact, hey, there's even a chance for Him to have intervened even more times than the Intelligent Designers/Creationists thought He did!
Darwinian Evolution is also troubling in that it suggests that we're all just blind, random assemblages of things running around. It gets to the level where it's making a philisophical point. I call foul. Science shouoldn't say a damn thing about the meaning of our existence. All it should accomplish is finding out further theories on what might be correct about our world. That's it.
And hey, while we're at it, ever hear of holism? Not that creepy Eastern kind, but the real kind. Ever think that our entire existence might be recursive? Go past the quantum level, go further than the very elements that we know are the most basic in the universe, and hey, you might find more. You can't assume that reductionism is all there is to life. Biologists who bleed by Darwin's work have no way to assert their claim as a scientific theory.
Yes. I now realize that the banner of "Intelligent Design" is now bad science--it's Creationism. Who the hell starts finding scientific conclusions based on the predispositon of supernatural influence? Try testing something that can't be physically observed. Ever.
These "Intelligent Design" idiots make the point that all scientists of the Renaissance and Enlightenment were Christians and were deeply religious. Sure, that's true and that's great. But Newton never tried to explain gravitational force by looking to supernatural forces. He never consulted the Bible on why bodies are drawn to one another. He just took some measurements, saw some similarities, and came up with a general case that made it easy for us to understand how large objects might behave. His only religious influence was his motivation to find the true nature of creation. If Newton were to quote Einstein, it'd probably be, "I want to know God's thoughts." Religion motivates the soul and science finds further physical revelation. Sounds so simple, doesn't it?
Truth is, there is no definitive truth to anything. All we have are the findings of serious tests. We can't go galavanting off on our own personal crusade for our own worldview. Fine, believe that the world is useless. Believe that it's totally planned and useful. But don't go wedging those dispositions into your goddamn work. The supernatural cannot relate to the natural world through science, and science cannot relate to the supernatural world. End of freakin' story.
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