Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Paul Graham

This man has written some of the most insightful essays I have ever read. Read his site, and be amazed. In my mind, there's nothing better than melding Computer Science and Philosophy. Pure insight.

Wednesday Whatevers

Rooty tooty fresh and...Wednesday.

1. How do cliches come about?
Well, I hate to beat around the bush, but you just can't resist the temptation. Form follows function, and a hen in the pen is worth two in the bush, so why not, lets?

Sorry about that. Cliches probably came originated from people who had no idea what they were talking about. Because I sure don't, and I use them all the time.

Well, not really.

.............wasn't this supposed to be funny?

2. Would you rather have a summer or winter vacation, and why?
Summer vacation. It's longer, and you are so much more creative over the summer. And I live in Southern California, so I'm quite unbiased weather-wise, as the two are pretty much the same, heh.

3. Why do we use different Internet browsers?
Because Internet Explorer sucks. Get Firefox.

< /plug >

Saturday, March 26, 2005

I've got nothing but a pack of Triscuts and a fresh cup of Joe.

In part two of our rip-off series, I shall republish here my one and only sociological experiment. It didn't turn out the way I had hoped, but here it is anyway:

I've got nothing but a pack of Triscuts and a fresh cup of Joe.

When confronting strange and random questions, individuals tend to react in abnormal ways. This is a field log of the response to a particularly random phrase. The names have been changed to protect the innoncent.

Except for UCCTyler. He's an ass and you can bomb him with all the IMs you want.

Case #1

mrprogrammer8: I've got nothing but a pack of Triscuts and a fresh cup of Joe.
sumKewlGuy87: What in the hell are you talking about?

Case #2

mrprogrammer8: I've got nothing but a pack of Triscuts and a fresh cup of Joe.
FAKE_USERNAME: I knew I lost my cat!
mrprogrammer8: Where did it go to?
FAKE_USERNAME: My cat Joe, that is.
mrprogrammer8: I see...
mrprogrammer8: Actually, what I was talking about was a Starbucks Mocha Latee with a triple shot of...uhh...coffee?

Case #3

mrprogrammer8: I've got nothing but a pack of Triscuts and a fresh cup of Joe.
UCCTyler: Get the f*ck away from me!

Case #4

mrprogrammer8: I've got nothing but a pack of Triscuts and a fresh cup of Joe.
hoboTown91: Can I have some Triscuts?
mrprogrammer8: No, this is all I have left.
hoboTown91: How about a sip of that coffee?
mrprogrammer8: Unless you got some RedBull on ya, no deal.

Case #5

mrprogrammer8: I've got nothing but a pack of Triscuts and a fresh cup of Joe.
SmarterChild: And a fresh cup of joe?

Case #6

mrprogrammer8: I've got nothing but a pack of Triscuts and a fresh cup of Joe.
NascarFan27: lol
NascarFan27: I have ham with pieces of cheese in it.
mrprogrammer8: Oh dude can I have a bite?
NascarFan27: .........no.

And now, a brave new world: NEW convos with the same first tagline!

Case #7

mrprogrammer8: I've got nothing but a pack of Triscuts and a fresh cup of Joe.
doodletime56: lol for dinner?
mrprogrammer8: Yes.
mrprogrammer8: This is my Easter dinner.
mrprogrammer8: Triscuts and Starbucks.
mrprogrammer8: Mmm delicious. Tastes like Christ.

Case #8

mrprogrammer8: I've got nothing but a pack of Triscuts and a fresh cup of Joe.
I LeaveOut I: Right.
mrprogrammer8: No, I really do!
mrprogrammer8: Coffee could use a little more sugar though.
mrprogrammer8: Bitter stuff this is.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

I Have Returned!

The Story:
I don't know if any of you know this, but I used to operate a full-fledged website from the Summer of 2002-Winter 2003. It had to move three times because small, individually-operated severs have a habit of dumping non-personal clients (aka me). However, it was quite an experience for me, and it really got my creative juices flowing (for god's sake, I had seven layouts during its lifespan...seven.) This blog is stifling in comparison. So I'm gonna bring back some of the flavor, and see if I can't get the uber awesome ball rolling again.

The First In An Epic Saga of Rehash:

Half-Assed Ideas
Toilet Paper Dispenser
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Basically, this idea eliminates the need for getting up and changing the roll yourself. Just simply lift the tab and a new roll pops out. No fuss, no muss. Loading would be a bitch though. And that's why it's a half-assed idea.

Mr. Car
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The Pinto meets the 21st century! At least the body anyway. I basically thought...what happens on the road naturally without any human intervention. Let's use that to help power a car. Answer: air rushing over a moving object. All we do is take that air, run it throuh some turbines and voila! Mediocre amounts of energy. I rock, don't I. Yes. Yes, that's it. Woo.

Ferris Wheel Hotel
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(Click the image to view a larger version)
I think this is pretty self-explanatory. Worst. Idea. Ever.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Fuck You.

My experience Bosco Tech has become a joke. Why? Edward Kwong and Claude LeBlanc. Get the fuck out of my school.

Science & Religion: LeBlanc simply does not know how to grade tests. Example: does not specify on the exam that we must pick from a predefined list of approved indidividuals when discussing their views on the relationship between S&R. I brought up an individual we had studied, but did not have a place on the "list". I recieved no credit for my response, and the rest of the test was marked off for lame ass excuses as well.
His lectures bring new meaning to condescending.
Oh, and wouldn't you know, bias flourishes in the fucking class too. Asshat.

Database: FUCK YOU EDWARD KWONG. This sorry excuse for a human being is the most asinine individual I have ever encountered. He refuses to assist us when we inquire his help, referring us only to the book. He has lectured a total of five times during the year. Each day an individual is absent, points are deducted from his score, which is blatantly against school policy (I don't know why he hasn't been fired in four years). The remaining quarter consists of us writing mounds of bullshit documentation for a project so simple it could be done by a monkey. It's just an excuse for him to patronize us and do no real work himself. I hope he gets hit by a bus.

Late Edit:
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Micronesia: Island #42

So we have to come up with a society on a shipwrecked, isolated island for US Government.

Like my flag?

Saturday, March 12, 2005

USB 2.0 Sucks.

I hate USB 2.0. I've been pushing so long to adapt to it, and now that I've had it for more than a few months, I hate the hell out of it.

My problem: iPod won't be recognized through the bus. I reinstall the drivers from the original CD, I uninstall iTunes completely and start from scratch...nothing. Plug it in via firewire and it's fine. You know what the problem was? The damn system thought it wasn't a compatible USB device. Why? Because it's USB 1.1, of course! Oh yes, down with 1.1!

"This device can perform faster." -- Windows XP

Damn your ass Windows! I DON'T GIVE A SHIT!

Monday, March 07, 2005


I've decided to start a new series of images, titled "Photoshoppd'!". They're just random crap that I decided to throw together and put up on Photobucket and/or Flickr. So here's my first submission:

Click here to see a larger version of this photo.
...and here's where my description will go. For this one:
John Ashcroft defends our country from the "Godless Terrorists."

Oh, and you can click on the image for a larger, more complete picture.

Sunday, March 06, 2005


I have discovered the right kind of photo sharing site, and its name is flickr. It's free, has NO ads yet (still in beta), and is a community. Which is incredibly fulfilling, since it's kind of like a more meaningful myspace or something. The internet's about connecting people, and what better way to do that through pictures? I love it.