Wednesday, July 02, 2003

Well, Wedensday What-Ifs updated again. Let's start, shall we?

1. What if you had to choose a single color to remain on Earth?

BLUE. Easy on the eyes, and you'd be able to see things that were further away (go longest wavelengh!)

2. What if you had to choose one song to remain on Earth?

"The Incredible Hulk End Theme" from the TV show. Cause life on earth without any decent amount of music would be dead anyways. Why not then give Earth a good mood-fitting soundtrack that shows just how depressed we are?

3. What if you had to choose a single book to remain on Earth?

It would be ANYTHING not written by EMILY DICKONSON!

4. What if you had to choose one electronic device to remain on Earth (cars & planes included)?

Well....considering that cars and planes aren't ELECTRONIC...they're powered by combustion and ignited by spark plugs. So we're going for spark plugs there really. But me, I'd go for an electric peoplemover system. More efficient, less polluting. Everything else would be gas-powered anyway. We need to go places, and nothing will stop us in that quest to commute! Or something!

5. What if you had to choose a single season to remain on Earth?

Spring. Not too hot, not to cold and damp. It's just the most all-around season that everyone would enjoy. Except those with hayfever. They'd probably die eventually.

Wow, this week's question set sucked. Sorry. Maybe I'll post something else later.


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