Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Wednesday Whatevers

Rooty tooty fresh and...Wednesday.

1. How do cliches come about?
Well, I hate to beat around the bush, but you just can't resist the temptation. Form follows function, and a hen in the pen is worth two in the bush, so why not, lets?

Sorry about that. Cliches probably came originated from people who had no idea what they were talking about. Because I sure don't, and I use them all the time.

Well, not really.

.............wasn't this supposed to be funny?

2. Would you rather have a summer or winter vacation, and why?
Summer vacation. It's longer, and you are so much more creative over the summer. And I live in Southern California, so I'm quite unbiased weather-wise, as the two are pretty much the same, heh.

3. Why do we use different Internet browsers?
Because Internet Explorer sucks. Get Firefox.

< /plug >


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