Fuck You.
My experience Bosco Tech has become a joke. Why? Edward Kwong and Claude LeBlanc. Get the fuck out of my school.
Science & Religion: LeBlanc simply does not know how to grade tests. Example: does not specify on the exam that we must pick from a predefined list of approved indidividuals when discussing their views on the relationship between S&R. I brought up an individual we had studied, but did not have a place on the "list". I recieved no credit for my response, and the rest of the test was marked off for lame ass excuses as well.
His lectures bring new meaning to condescending.
Oh, and wouldn't you know, bias flourishes in the fucking class too. Asshat.
Database: FUCK YOU EDWARD KWONG. This sorry excuse for a human being is the most asinine individual I have ever encountered. He refuses to assist us when we inquire his help, referring us only to the book. He has lectured a total of five times during the year. Each day an individual is absent, points are deducted from his score, which is blatantly against school policy (I don't know why he hasn't been fired in four years). The remaining quarter consists of us writing mounds of bullshit documentation for a project so simple it could be done by a monkey. It's just an excuse for him to patronize us and do no real work himself. I hope he gets hit by a bus.
Late Edit:

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