Monday, February 28, 2005

Wednesday Whatevers

Damn, so tempting! Here goes again, off schedule.

1. What is the point of a laugh track on TV shows?
It makes me laugh, and it makes you laugh, doesn't it? Even if it's not really funny? It's got a pretty nice phrase associated with it: covering the ass. Yup. Just writers who don't know what the hell is funny trying to disguise their mistakes. Morons.

2. Would you rather be the best of the worst, or the worst of the best, and why?
I'd rather be the worst of the best. It's not about winning, it's about doing what you do, and what you enjoy. And if all you enjoy is winning, you've got problems. Scary problems.

3. Which emotions, if any, are contagious?
Laughing. Tiredness. Kicking-you-in-the-face. To name a few.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Church Sign Generator: So Fun!

You simply must try this out. It's gut-busting, side-splitting, vomit-in-hilarity good stuff. Observe my own concoctions:

Friday, February 25, 2005

The charge is large.

The charge is large.
I stare at the gleaming, glistening, gluttonous symbol that seems so friendly.
It is.
I realize something
No--Something better.
It's about us, damnit!
It's about you, me, and maybe that dude over there.
(Yeah, that dude eating an Arby's sandwich. He's still worthwhile.)
It's for us.
It's not against us.
We made it.
We continue to make it.
We make it better.
We live better.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Wednesday Whatevers

1. Is it fun answering these random questions?
Why, yes. Yes it is.

2. What would you do if Wednesday Whatevers closed?
I would make up my own questions.

That's right. Don't even need you. Jerk.

3. Do windows serve any other purpose than letting in light?
They keep unwanted birds, flies, ants, and aunts out, for one...

Monday, February 21, 2005

Wednesday Whatevers

I'm doing them tonight cause I feel like it. Jerk.

1. Why do we kiss others?

Because it was the first thing ever done with the opposite sex. The second Adam met Eve, he saw some chocolate on her tounge. So he sucked it off. And ever since, man has been programmed to kiss woman, and vice versa.

True story, according to Methodists.

2. What does our skin do?
Our skin keeps Waldo out.


3. What would a building without windows be like?
Drafty...there'd be at least two suicides per day. Just too damn easy. I mean, come on. It's a big building.

M&M Sorter!

Wow, never knew that Parallax BASIC Stamp Controller I have could be so damn useful! Someone rigged up an RGB optical sensor on the thing, so it can now sort M&Ms! All I gotta say is: cool.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Band Thoughts

I've always been toying with the idea of forming a band. I suck by myself, but I'd be a damn good creative force if I teamed up with a few other individuals of similar drive. I'm thinkin' of our name right now:

Pepito! The Biggest Cat In The Whole Wide World!

3hive - The Best Kind of Hive

I've been rabidly collecting iTunes bottlecaps ever since I swore off filesharing (Soulseeek stopped launching properly). I think I've dug through so many trashcans just to get them, I'm mentally wired to gravitate towards the color yellow. Anyway, as soon as I stumbled accross 3hive, I was quite relieved. They've got a ton of great indie artists accross the genres, just waiting for you to download. The kicker about this site, though, is that it's maintained blog-style. This provides detailed, personable descriptions about each artist that allow you to decide before downloading. It's quite ingenious, really. So go ahead. Download something. It's better than rooting through trash.

Favorite Artists hosted on 3hive:
A Girl Called Eddy
Let's Go Sailing

Friday, February 18, 2005

Wednesday Whatevers


1. How do accents come about?
Accents are byproducts of pollution. The less polluted the air, the more homely the accent. Example: Southern United States. Hick drawls are a byproduct of clean air (ugh! clean air sucks!). Compare with NYC. High amount of pollution = nasaly voice. The best kind.

2. Why are certain brands more desirable over others?
I prefer some ranches to others when I buy my beef. Diamond brands scare more shit out of a cow when it's marked, so it tastes so much better. Mmm cow parts...

3. Why do we use different currencies?
Because we feel like it, damnit. If we all had the same currency, we'd have to agree on something. And I don't know about you, but I wouldn't like to be carrying around a pocket full of paper with Kofi Annan on it. He's what's wrong with this country, he's why the economy sucks so bad, and he's why there's so much crime in this country!

Cause he's a hippie.

Get a job, Koffi. And I mean a real job.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Wednesday Whatevers

Again with the random questions. I'm becoming habitual...

1. Are words or actions stronger, and why?
Clearly, actions are stronger in most all cases. You do something, it has immediate consequence that could incite further reverberation and amplification. However, there are instances in which words are more damaging, as they may cause scars that refuse to heal. Many hold grudges and false notions quite nicely, and do some pretty crazy things because of them.

It's a tough one for me, but I'm leaning action. It's just more reasonable, even on second and third-tier thinking.

2. What is the purpose of different fonts?
Fonts are what seperate us from the animals. Well, that and George Foreman Lean Mean Grilling Machines.

3. Why do we give nicknames?
Nicknames are easily preferred to "Hey, you!".