Friday, February 18, 2005

Wednesday Whatevers


1. How do accents come about?
Accents are byproducts of pollution. The less polluted the air, the more homely the accent. Example: Southern United States. Hick drawls are a byproduct of clean air (ugh! clean air sucks!). Compare with NYC. High amount of pollution = nasaly voice. The best kind.

2. Why are certain brands more desirable over others?
I prefer some ranches to others when I buy my beef. Diamond brands scare more shit out of a cow when it's marked, so it tastes so much better. Mmm cow parts...

3. Why do we use different currencies?
Because we feel like it, damnit. If we all had the same currency, we'd have to agree on something. And I don't know about you, but I wouldn't like to be carrying around a pocket full of paper with Kofi Annan on it. He's what's wrong with this country, he's why the economy sucks so bad, and he's why there's so much crime in this country!

Cause he's a hippie.

Get a job, Koffi. And I mean a real job.


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