Thursday, August 28, 2003

I freaking hate The Wedding by Dorothy West. It's a terrible book with stilted dialouge, horrible character development, and on top of it's boring and socialite as hell. I could go on for days saying "I hate it" millions of times in a row, but I'm not going to do that. Mainly because I'm tired. Also, I don't have that many days to read it because this is my summer reading book (yeah, like I'd read a book on my own, especially one as stupid as this). The book is due to be done by Tuesday.

See, the thing is...I was expecting something that was on the level of To Kill A Mockingbird. Well, thats what the critcs were saying it was going to be like. But the phrase "instant classic" gets thrown around too much these days and this praise was grossly misplaced. It's a crapheap. Anyway, back to cussing out the book and eventually throwing it into the fast-moving ceiling fan.

Monday, August 25, 2003

Got back from the Disneyland Resort yesterday. It was sorta okay. Kind of a kickback compared to what I usually do there, but whatever. Anyway, I got some pretty decent pics so go ahead and see it by following this awesome cool stupid tricked-out fly insano hip-hop magazine donkey butter old-skool link, yo.

Saturday, August 23, 2003

Alright, the new update is up. Go to Parks -> Journey to Ohio: Cedar Point and SFWoA to view the update. It's six pages of Ohio goodness.

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

Well, I'm back. After three nonstop days at Six Flags Worlds of Adventure and Cedar Point, I'm tired as hell but it was well worth it. If you want to see my trip report, go to the forums under Amusement Parks and click on Journey to Ohio - Cedar Point and SFWoA. Other than that, all I have coming up is a photo update of the two parks much like the Coaster Con trip. So stay tuned...

Wednesday, August 13, 2003

Let's see...updates....

Well, I added a fanlistings page to the links section. It's fun going all over the place and seeing cool layouts for stuff you like....yeah....
All these sites kind of inspired me, so I made my own fanlisting for none other than...The P'zone. Check it out.

Monday, August 11, 2003

Updated useless words of wisdom under random. I'm also considering a new layout already. Ain't I pathetic?

Why yes, yes I am.

Saturday, August 09, 2003

What is it with me and bad movies?

First, I go channel surfing and find absolutely nothing. Again, I go through. But this time...ah....I find some crap that I might watch. I decide on The Master of Disguise. It's that absolutely horrible Dana Carvey film. Every single freaking joke falls so flat you're amazed that the writers can even sleep at night. So, I watched that for about an hour. Then at 6:00, I thought I had an oppertunity to catch some real TV. I get the east coast feed out here in California with my satellite, so that's prime time over there, right? Well I believe you're wrong. I ended up settling on Police Academy 6: We Stopped Trying at 4. Absolutely horrendous.

Friday, August 08, 2003

Howdy pardners! For your safety, keep yer hands, arms, feet and legs inside the new layout at all times, and be sure to watch your kids! If you have any hats or glasses, best remove 'em, cause this here's the wildest site in the wiiilllderness!

Wednesday, August 06, 2003

Holy Crap! It's Wednesday, and I'm actually doing WEDNESDAY WHAT-IFS at the right time! Yes!

1. What if a circus offered you $10,000 for your favorite pet?

First off, let's get things straight. I have a cat named Tammy. Here's a pic:

She's a nuisance. She meows, scratches, and just plain bugs the hell outta ya. She destroys everything. But you know what? I couldn't picture the house without her. Especially in the name of some money-grubbing scheme. I probably wouldn't give her to them simply because there was money involved. Then again, maybe I would.

2. What if you were offered $10,000 to star in a 1-hour porn movie?

As long as my line was, as the butler, "It looks like we're going to need more towels," I'd do it. But not if I was involved in the action. That'd be beyond my moralistic view for sure.

3. What if your school offered you $50,000 to flunk out (not graduate)?

I'd take the money and go to a better school where I would graduate. Seriously, what kind of stupid ass question is this?

4. What if you were offered $100,000 for your most prized possession?

I could buy a better computer than a Sony VAIO with 100 grand. Seriously, this thing I'm typing on has no sentimental value, and it's only worth money. Jackpot.

5. What if a hospital offered you $1,000,000 for one of your hand's fingers (all five, and you could pick which hand)?

I'd rather not give it. I mean, people can survive without an extra finger. Why would they have to ruin a normal person's hand to help someone who already has that impediment.

This week's question set was kind of off. Eh. Anyway, whatever. I updated the link graphics to add more fire, because Splash Mountain looks good on fire. :-)

Tuesday, August 05, 2003

::New Skin Dance::

Yayy! I was getting so sick of the old skin, and since practically everyone else was getting a new one for their sites, I decided, "why not mine?" This is probably why not. I mean, it's refreshing and all but it's a bit too red. I'm going to try to get some more color in here somehow. Maybe with some link graphics, I don't know...

Anyway, if you haven't noticed already, I've updated the Weekly Coaster Comment and Useless Words of Wisdom. Go check it out.

Monday, August 04, 2003

Well, I finally made the decision to get forums on this site. I found another generous host, akheva that's allowing me a very nice interface with no ads for free! So go ahead. If you read this site, sign up, post, and then get the word out to others. This fourm's going to be one of the best on the web if we all just start posting (no lurkers now... :-P )!

Saturday, August 02, 2003

Back from driving lessons. I did pretty well. Nothing was that bad, except for when I pulled into my own freakin driveway and almost plowed into the brick planter by our doorstep! The instructor had to slam on his brake in order to keep us from hitting it! That was so incredibly embarrasssing, considering I've been up and down that driveway countless times. Sheesh.

Driving lessons today. Hand-over-hand. Eyes do the driving. Step on that brake just like an egg....hard. Just kidding. I hope those memory tricks work and don't drive me insane....:-P