Holy Crap! It's Wednesday, and I'm actually doing WEDNESDAY WHAT-IFS at the right time! Yes!
1. What if a circus offered you $10,000 for your favorite pet?
First off, let's get things straight. I have a cat named Tammy. Here's a pic:

She's a nuisance. She meows, scratches, and just plain bugs the hell outta ya. She destroys everything. But you know what? I couldn't picture the house without her. Especially in the name of some money-grubbing scheme. I probably wouldn't give her to them simply because there was money involved. Then again, maybe I would.
2. What if you were offered $10,000 to star in a 1-hour porn movie?
As long as my line was, as the butler, "It looks like we're going to need more towels," I'd do it. But not if I was involved in the action. That'd be beyond my moralistic view for sure.
3. What if your school offered you $50,000 to flunk out (not graduate)?
I'd take the money and go to a better school where I would graduate. Seriously, what kind of stupid ass question is this?
4. What if you were offered $100,000 for your most prized possession?
I could buy a better computer than a Sony VAIO with 100 grand. Seriously, this thing I'm typing on has no sentimental value, and it's only worth money. Jackpot.
5. What if a hospital offered you $1,000,000 for one of your hand's fingers (all five, and you could pick which hand)?
I'd rather not give it. I mean, people can survive without an extra finger. Why would they have to ruin a normal person's hand to help someone who already has that impediment.
This week's question set was kind of off. Eh. Anyway, whatever. I updated the link graphics to add more fire, because Splash Mountain looks good on fire. :-)
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