A site called
Wedensday What-Ifs kind of inspired me to put these kind of random thoughts on record, so here's my response:
1. What if you had the opportunity to create your own television series?
I'd probably make it as a rehash of every single admirable show to date. I mean, TV's all about watching the same force-fed crap anyway...why not make it something people enjoy instead of repeating it while trying to be original? ::cough::OliverBeene::cough::
It'd have a lot of influence from Seinfeld, though. Now there's a TV show. Taking every little minute detail of life and making a huge deal out of it. People love that.
2. What if you had the opportunity to write your own fiction novel series?
I'd make the words really freaking huge and make a quintilogy (is that even a word) to "See Spot Run" or something pathetic like that. I'm not a big fan of the written word, that's for sure. Emily Dickonson...hehe, Dickonson...is my all time hated person I've never met.
3. What if you had the opportunity to host your own radio talk show?
It'd be basically the same as this blog: simple and utter crap, 24/7. I'd get in whoever I could...Sandor Kernacs, Jose Gonzalez, the bass player from Fish, The Fan Man...oh wait, he's dead.
4. What if you had the opportunity to create your own business?
If I had a college education....I would most definetley develop software. What kind of software, I don't know, but that's what I enjoy the most and I think it has the most potential to be successful. If it were right now, though, it would probably be debugging code on a contract basis or dispatching coffee-cup-retreiving lackeys. We'd go worldwide overnight, I tells ya!
5. What if you had the opportunity to create your own town (and be mayor of it)?
It'd have only red and yellow stoplights. Or red and green lights. Whichever. No one really pays attention to the "Slow Down" yellow lights (or is that amber) anyway. They basically just speed up. All the restrooms would be automatic. The toilets, the sinks, the dryers (which would actually completey dry your hands. the technology does exist. go to Japan sometime) and ESPECIALLY THE DOORS. I mean, they go to so much trouble to keep your hands from touching anything else someone would dirty up, and then they make you pull on this filthy handle that's probably been in contact with all sorts of STD's. Ewww. There would be no tolerance for stupid people. They'd have to be shipped off to Euro Disneyland. That's a place that could use a few morons. So perfect over there....Umm, I'd outlaw tobacco, firearms, and keep people monitored for alcohol. To make a nice diversion to getting hammered, trigger-happy, or buzzed, I'd create many public venues for people to enjoy themselves, maybe even a theme park (sorry, had to include that). Basically, I'd want to create the town so it would be free of completely stupid mistakes that others have made in the past. Take THAT, Verdugo Hills!