Gray Davis is a damnned moron. Giving driver's licenses to illegal immigrants is the stupidest idea
ever. Now, instead of sending migrating Central/South Americans who jump the border or people from eastern Asia that ride over in shipping containers back where they came from, we're giving them a document that allows them to vote, buy guns, and drive a car. If they get their license suspended, all they need to do is re-register with a new name or just keep on driving like an idiot just like they always have. We can have terrorists come in and get an identification that is, gasp, proof enough for someone to get on a plane! Hmmm, that's a
really good idea, isn't it.
If an immigrant wants to get somewhere, go with a friend or take the bus.
Driving is a priviledge, not a damn right! I earned that privelidge for being a citizen, going to driver's ed, and practicing 50 hours. You're getting all that for passing one stupid test. I swear, suddenly jumping over a tall fence is as important as getting a green card, hell even a naturalized citizenship!
We all know this is a scheme by Davis to get as many immigrants (and their supporters) to vote no on the recall, keeping this "illegal-immigrant rights" douchebag in office. I wonder if they'll all have their licenses by October 7th, lining up at the polls to drive this state further into the ground.