Yup, Power PC emulation on a Windows XP box. Pretty sweet, huh? If you're considering "switching" {and kudos to you if you do, I know I have been}, check out
http://pearpc.sourceforge.net/ for this kickass app. You have to get the OS X CD and convert it to an image to run it as a mac {or skip the intermediary, if you catch my drift ;-) }. Only real caveat is that it's damn slow and the learning curve is kinda high up there if you don't know how to manage code-ridden configruation files. Although PearPC Control Panel {
http://ppccp.sphosting.com/} is a pretty spiffy way to even get around that. Again with the slowness, though, it's 1/10 CPU emulation. So don't expect any miricales during that huge installation. Just set priority in Task Manager to realtime and cross your fingers it finishes before you want to log off and go to sleep. Lastly,
http://www.pearpc.net is also a good community forum to search if you have any questions.
Good design!
[url=http://rrciwkmk.com/fnnh/ahud.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://bbhluont.com/pjqa/iygp.html]Cool site[/url]
Great work!
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Well done!
http://rrciwkmk.com/fnnh/ahud.html | http://eyuspdre.com/jfna/phci.html
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